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Media Attribution: Courtesy of FlightAware


American Airlines in Advanced Talks with Airbus and Boeing for 100 Narrowbody Jets
FORT WORTH — American Airlines aiming to rejuvenate its aging fleet, has reportedly entered negotiations with aviation heavyweights Airbus and Boeing about procuring a minimum (More)
Overweight British Airways Passenger Gets Stuck in First Class Seat on Lagos to London Flight
In an unusual incident on a British Airways flight, a passenger traveling from Lagos, Nigeria, to London found himself stuck in his first-class seat. The incident took place on (More)
United Airlines Boeing 767 Damaged After Hard Houston Landing
The Boeing 767-300ER suffered substantial damage on arrival from Newark. (More)
The female aviator helping women get their wings
Of almost 30,000 pilots in the UK, fewer than 5% are women, but one aviator has set up a support network in a bid to help others get their wings. When Katherine Moloney bega (More)


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